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award_star Technical Articles
deceased From the Realm of Spirits – Veenu Sandal
Chandwati spirit

Chandwati's spirit

The story "Chandwati's Spirit" narrates the tale of a woman whose restless spirit remains in her family home due to incomplete last rites.

The man who ate human brain

Man who ate human brain

The story recounts an encounter with an Aghori — a practitioner of an ascetic sect — who consumes human brains as part of his rituals.

Graha Chandra

She died and lived again

The story recounts the experience of a woman who, revived during her last rites and shared vivid details of her journey to the afterlife.

Graha Chandra

Ghost of his brother

Sundar takes a burning coal from his deceased brother’s funeral pyre for personal gain, only to face eerie supernatural consequences...

Graha Chandra

Jinn with a dream

Ram Chariter's dream of building a home takes a supernatural turn when a lingering jinn compels him to fulfill an unfinished desire.