Palmistry Lesson #2
The Mounts
Vinay Aditya

(If you have not read, please read Lesson #1 first)

Planetary mounts on a hand

In the previous lesson we have learnt the broad classification of hands. The first type of classification is largely based on the shape of the fingers and the tips. The second type of classification pays more attention to the shape of the palm and its relationship to the fingers.

Under the cosmic plan, seven distinct types of people were created representing certain strong qualities, certain strong aptitudes, virtues, vices, short comings, peculiarities, and susceptibilities. This third type of classification is based on the ‘mounts’ in the hand which is in consonance with planets used in Astrology. Not only names of the mounts are similar but their meanings are also ‘nearly the same’ as those of the corresponding planets.

Another important difference in this type of classification is that each type has a distinct ‘look’, distinct way of ‘reasoning’ and has a distinct ‘world view’.

Three of these seven types are good ones — Jupiterian, Apollonian and Venusian. These types generally possess good health and do not turn to evil easily. Saturnine and Mercurians, can be excellent people, but can easily transgress the boundary and turn evil. Saturnians easily turn into cynics and Mercurians easily become crooks or cheats. The Martian, usually intense, can easily become violent. The lunar person of an extreme type can easily be cold, selfish, restless and disagreeable.

Study of mounts is of paramount importance in the hand-analysis. Most of the beginners tend to jump over to the lines in the hand just as beginners in astrology tend to jump over to the planets without giving sufficient importance to the zodiacal signs in which the planets are placed.

The mounts are fleshy pads below every finger, the thumb and on the percussion of the palm as indicated in the diagram. These fleshy, slightly raised pads are called mounts. If one bends the fingers and closes them over the palm slightly, they would be more easily visible. It is important to compare which mount(s) is the highest or most prominently developed. The person would be possessing predominantly the characteristics of that mount. If the apex of the mount is centrally located, the mount is considered pure and untainted, otherwise it partakes the qualities of the mount to which it is tilted. Different marks on the mount also tend to shift the indications of the mount considerably. Normally, a vertical line enhances the effect of a mount. Red colour and hard consistency give strength to the mount; whiteness and flabbiness show lack of energy and weakness of the mount. A finger is known by the mount it has at its base.

Jupiterian Hand

Jupiterian Hand is the hand on which the mount of Jupiter is more prominent than the other mounts. This mount is situated at the base of the index (first) finger. It represents sense of authority and self worth, desire to control and manage people, leadership, ambition, and interest in social and religious affairs. A pure Jupiterian is a large, stout and a solid man, strongly built and inclined towards obesity.

He has a dashing, ambitious personality, holds great attraction for the opposite sex, is generous, chivalrous and courteous. He is extravagant, magnanimous and is contemptuous towards small mindedness and miserliness. His intense love of nature and religion are important elements of his personality.

He marries a woman of whom he can be ‘proud’. He marries rather early. He is generally a great eater (specially, if the third phalanx of the Jupiter finger is long and thick) and is prone to having disease due to this predisposition - indigestion, apoplexy, gout, liver disorder and sometimes lung troubles.

However strong the mount of Jupiter, he must possess a good thumb to make him what he was created for — a leader. The effect of the mount is more pronounced when the finger associated with the mount, in this case index finger, is longer than average and is slightly higher placed at its root. People having combust or debilitated Jupiter in their horoscopes may have good mounts, so to say, but the defect will be visible either in the comparatively shorter length of the finger or lower placement of the finger at the root.

Underdeveloped Mount: When Jupiter is underdeveloped, a person may lack ambition and enthusiasm, and may have poor self esteem. Success normally eludes such people.

Overdeveloped Mount: When Jupiter is overdeveloped it may make a person over-ambitions, arrogant, bossy and tyrannical. As opposed to this, a person with normally developed mount will be sociable, generous, religious and will make a good and loveable team leader.

Change in Mounts: It is rare that mounts change as they show the direction in which the basic life force flows. However, under the influence of strong therapeutics it is possible to redistribute and balance the energies. Thus deficient mounts can fill out and excessive mounts flattened out. As opposed to the rare changes in mounts, minor lines on or around the mounts change quite often in accordance with the changing influences on the person’s mind.

Saturnian Hand

This mount is situated at the bottom of the second finger (the longest finger). It is best when it is not ‘well’ developed and there is only a slight padding. Then it denotes commonsense and love of philosophy. A long, straight finger of Saturn (not leaning towards any other finger) always accompanies a Saturnine type. When overdeveloped, it denotes a gloomy, pessimistic, solitary and cynical person. Mount of Saturn is a balancing mount. When normal it denotes sense of responsibility, sobriety, interest in occult, mining, agriculture and appreciation of music of a sacred or classical order.

Benham writes, ”The Saturnine is the repressor, who lays his hand on the shoulder of enthusiasm and bids it take a view of the dark side before leaping.” Some one has called them the ‘spoil sport” or ‘wet blanket’ too as the point of view of a pure Saturnine will always be the gloomy one. Many writers of this type become the ‘prophets of doom.’

A Saturnine is typically the tallest of the seven types just as its finger is the longest. He is pale and has yellowish skin representing a bilious (पित्त) nature. His face is long, cheek bones are high and it seems that the skin is tightly drawn over the bones. The eyes are deep set, having a sad look and almost expressionless. Though his mouth is large but his lips are thin. The neck is long and thin and the muscles are visible like a cord with blue veins standing out under the shrunken skin. His chest is narrow, shoulders are high and have a pronounced stoop.

A Saturnine lacks animal vitality. He is not amorous and mostly marries late (or never). He is normally stingy and miserly. A Saturnian is susceptible to depression, melancholia, nervousness, paralysis, rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and liver diseases. Yellower the colour of the hand, higher the chances of disease. Saturnines are also predisposed to suicide.

Apollonian (Sun) Hand

Apollonian (Sun) Hand: This mount is situated below the third (ring) finger. A normally developed mount does not show a big bulge. It can be identified by an apex at the centre of the mount, or by a strong vertical line on the mount. In a strongly apollonian hand the adjacent fingers tend to lean towards the Sun finger. A normally developed mount of Sun indicates creative talents, fame, emotional vibrancy, artistic skills, wealth (specially inherited), inventive mind and appreciation of beauty, art and literature. Such people have a sunny outlook and lively disposition and are fun to be with. If the mount of Sun is displaced towards the mount of Mercury, then the qualities of both mounts show a combined effect. When the Sun mount is excessively developed, it indicates that the person is ostentatious, extravagant and conceited. Such people tend to become gamblers and suffer from displaced vanity. When the mount is underdeveloped it indicates lack of interest in the artistic pursuits, poetry and literature. A straight line-segment on the mount reaching right up to the base of the finger denotes great success and fame. Many vertical lines show multiple interests. Musicians, artists, actors and painters etc. have this mount rather well developed. Whether one will be a practitioner of these artistic pursuits or merely an appreciator will depend on the shape of the finger tips and the headline.

The Apollonian is highly versatile, adaptable and intuitive. He will become the centre of attraction whichever company he is in. Though he may know little yet he is able to impress people with his ‘depth’ of knowledge on any subject.

Heart trouble is the most frequent condition faced by Apollonian. He is also prone to eye-disease or weak eyes. Even in Astrology, if Sun is afflicted, heart trouble is indicated. Sun being a luminary also accounts for the ability to ‘see light’ properly.

Mercurian Hand

This mount sits at the root of the fourth (little) finger. A bulging pad with its apex in the centre, the fourth finger standing apart and rather long, all indicate a Mercurian hand. It represents all the mercurial qualities of life, i.e., quickness of thought, gift of the gab, wit, excitement, love of change/travel, business acumen, eloquence, diplomacy and shrewdness. If the rest of the hand is good and the finger is not crooked, it is a very favourable and fortunate mount. People possessing a Mercurian hand make good lawyers, academicians, journalists, intellectuals, doctors, scientists and astrologers.

Just as well-associated Mercury is considered a natural benefic planet in astrology, so is true for mount of Mercury in palmistry. The rest of the hand indicates in which direction the intellect will be used – in crime or in socially acceptable pursuits. If the mount is overdeveloped and the rest of the hand is not good (specially if mount of Jupiter is deficient indicating lack of self-respect) then the person indulges in anti-social activities. He is the quickest of all types and the quickness manifests in both activities, physical and mental. He has a keen sense of oratory and can say the right thing at the right time.

The Mercurian is generally a healthy type but can develop nervous troubles due to over-activity.

Martian Hand

There are two mounts by this name. The first that lies below the mount of Jupiter and above the mount of Venus but inside the life line is called mount of Lower Mars. It indicates active courage, martial spirit, aggressiveness, combativeness and property. If this mount is over-developed, it gives a very quarrelsome fighting disposition, and stubbornness. These people are easily angered and have explosive temperaments. Many crisscross lines on the mount indicate wind in stomach, an irritable disposition and proneness to cough and cold (lack of resistance towards disease). Men with good Lower mount of Mars, are suited to military or police service. The second mount that lies below the mount of Mercury and above the mount of Moon is called the mount of Upper Mars. It denotes passive courage, self control, strength of resistance towards odds in life. It also indicates property disputes. A depressed mount of Upper Mars is a mark of cowardice, where as an excessive mount shows violence and cruelty. If the mount is properly developed and the rest of the hand supports, such people make excellent surgeons or criminal lawyers. The space between the Lower and Upper Mars is called Plain of Mars. When the Plain of Mars is 'plain' it denotes that passions and emotions are well controlled. When the Plain is raised (thick) and extensive it shows an irascible temper. When it is lean and hollow (depressed), the personality lacks impact or presence.

The Martian is of medium height, strongly built with good musculature, chest in front and shoulders drawn back. The face is round with ruddy appearance. He carries himself in a manner that gives an impression that he is ready to fight/defend at any time. A Martian has robust health and exhibits an energetic personality. He is an extremely passionate lover and pursues his love-interest with great vigour and tenacity.

Venusian Hand

The mount of Venus is situated at the base of the thumb and is encircled by the life line. This is the largest mount on the palm and has maximum expanse. When the mount is well-developed it indicates robust health, vital energy, attraction towards opposite sex, love of art and beauty, compassion, generosity and interest in music. It controls virility and kidneys. When the mount is abnormally raised, it indicates violent passion for the opposite sex. Lust blinds such a person towards reason and social custom. It also heightens coarse sexuality, vanity and unsympathetic nature. When under-developed, this mount betrays poor health, low libido, lack of warmth and low sociability. Such people are dry and cold and lack joie de vivre.

The mount gains importance if it is not rayed and the life line goes around it in a wider arch. If the mount seems to be leaning towards mount of Moon, the person is comfort loving and lives in a world of sexual fantasy. If the mount hangs out towards the outside of the palm, it heightens the good qualities of the mount.

The Venusian is the most attractive of the seven types. He is handsome to the extent of being ‘beautiful’. His features are even and curves of the body shapely. Texture of his skin is fine. The face and cheeks are round and often have dimples. The forehead has a typical Venusian mark — three vertical lines in the centre. His chest is large and voice is full and musical. His legs are graceful and his feet are small. The Venusians marry rather early and generally have happy married life.

They are the healthy type and rarely have any chronic diseases, but due to their preoccupation with sexual thoughts and activity, they may suffer from venereal diseases.

Lunar Hand

The mount of Moon is also known as the mount of Luna. It lies on the percussion below the mount of Upper Mars and opposite to the mount of Venus. The expanse of this mount can also be quite large specially in comparison to the mounts associated with the four fingers. The mount of Moon is associated with the imagination and subconscious. It indicates taste for the romantic, idealism and fondness for poetry and fiction. Sensitivity, creativity and intuitiveness are also represented by this mount. This mount is one of the most ‘impressionable’ mounts and takes on a character as suggested by the other marks or lines in the hand–specially the heart line and the head line. Because of its large area, it is divided into three parts, the upper (adjacent to the mount of Upper Mars), the middle and the lower mount of Moon. In a woman’s hand, if these mounts have defective markings, they show bad health particularly the gynaecological type. The lower portion with bad signs shows kidney or bladder troubles.

If the upper part of the mount is more developed, the person is interested in creative intellectual pursuits such as writing or journalism; if the middle portion is strong, he means business; and if the lower portion is more developed he is narrow in outlook, jealous, lethargic and has a runaway imagination, far removed from the reality of the world.

A good mount of Moon is an essential pre-requisite for artists, musicians, actors, writers, linguists, composers and photographers — as they all dwell in the world of imagination. Vertical lines on the mount strengthen it and cross-bars weaken it and make one prone to disease. Signs such as the cross bar, grille, star or cross on the upper portion of the mount show intestinal or bowel disorders or weakness of these organs.

The Lunarian is usually tall and flabby in build. He looks stout but his muscles are not strong. His flesh has a spongy feel. His face is round and lacks colour. He often suffers from the action of weak heart, anaemia and dropsy. His eyes are bulging and watery and the eye lids are thick. His voice is thin and is often of high key. His stomach is protruding and his gait is awkward. He is very fond of water and therefore voyages.

Mount of Neptune

This mount is not included amongst the main mounts. It is between the mount of Moon and Venus near the rascette of the palm. It links the subconscious and the conscious sides of the brain. If this area is well padded, it denotes quick perception and is seen in people with a charismatic personality. A depression here reveals lack of self reflection. This mount heightens the intuitional characteristics of mount of Moon and helps him become a mystic, psychic or a ‘medium’.

Note: While describing the qualities of the mounts we have used the masculine gender only as a matter of convenience. The qualities of the mounts apply equally to both sexes.

© Vinay Aditya, Vedic Astrology